Every Celestialis™ puzzle has a unique puzzle name such as Puzzle 1.0, for example. You may submit your solution to the puzzle to our site for acknowledgment as the World Record Holder for a certain puzzle. Simply scan your solution and email it to us as a png or jpg of not more than 100K. The image must be good enough for us to view and verify on our computer screen. If we cannot verify it, we will be unable to post it to our site. Once verified, your solution with name you choose (must meet guidelines of good taste) will be posted on our site replacing a previous record holder.
NOTE: Timed puzzle records cannot be verified, so they will not be included unless they were completed at a hosted and approved event.
Please follow these guidelines for submission:
[Read this entire agreement prior to submitting.]
Include in your email:
• your name,
• your Screen Name (the name you would like to use to identify your score)--if you wish to use your real name, we can only publish your first name and last initial,
• where you are from (city, state / province/ region, country)
• your age, (if you are under 18 years of age, the email MUST BE from your parent or guardian),
• your score & how you arrived at your score (including any bonuses),
Send your email & your attached jpg or png of not more than 100K to info_@_celestialis.com (remove underscores). Emails of larger attachments may be rejected by the email server.
All submissions become the sole property of Colorado Thompson Industries, Inc. No compensation or prize money of any kind is being offered. And none is implied. By submitting, you agree to allow us to post your solution to our web site, with the name or screen name you supply, your age, and your general location of city, state/province/region, and country. You also agree to allow your solution to be published in any of our future publications (web, digital media, print media and so on) should we so choose to do so without any future obligations to you of any kind, monetary or otherwise. You also agree to adhere to our guidelines of good taste and privacy according to our Privacy Policy and to all of the guidelines listed here. Incomplete or incorrect submissions will be discarded automatically without further analysis without notification to the sender.
We will publish and update new solutions in a timely fashion, but do not be alarmed if it takes more than 30 days.
Thank you so much for solving Celestialis™ puzzles and trying to set a record.